
Lending a Hand to Change
Our investments in the world, its communities, and individuals, benefit us all. Virtual Supply’s outreach includes supporting foster children at Bridge Meadows, feeding the hungry through the Portland Rescue Mission, and building houses as part of the Habitat for Humanity program. We are deeply committed to reducing our carbon footprint via Portland General Electric’s Green Power Oregon Wind Power program, and invest in technology that reduces consumption and enhances our recycling. We appreciate our success, and value the opportunity to contribute to our community.
Bridge Meadows
Bringing the Gift of Hope to Foster ChildrenBridge Meadows offers former foster youth and their siblings a permanent family and a true home where kids and new parents can heal, learn and thrive together. Some of us share family and gifts during the holidays, but for many Oregon foster children, this is only a dream. Every year, in support of the Beaverton Bridge Meadow kids and their adoptive parents, our Santa employees fulfill all of the kids’ gift requests, reducing adoptive parent stress and making a child’s Christmas dreams come true!

Portland Rescue Mission
The Common Humanity of a Hot MealThe Portland Rescue Mission has a tireless commitment to breaking the cycle of homelessness. They offer emergency services of food and shelter. If you’ve ever experienced a blood sugar level crash, it’s only a glimpse of what it is to face hunger daily. We cannot accept this condition as a way of life. It is this value that unites us to provide food for those in need.

Green Power Oregon
Working to Reduce the World’s Carbon FootprintPortland General Electric’s Green Power Oregon program enables us to radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The program offers customers the option to offset their entire monthly consumption of electric power with power generated from renewable resources or offset their usage with units of renewable wind power. The proceeds from the program are used to support development of renewable energy projects. We seized the opportunity to expand ecological stewardship through our commitment to the Green Power Oregon program.

Oregon Food Bank
To Eliminate Hunger and Its Root CausesOregon Food Bank (OFB) takes a holistic approach to ending hunger by bringing our community together to provide food, education, and hope to our neighbors in need. OFB provides emergency food to people who are hungry through a cooperative statewide network of hunger-relief agencies, helping 20% of households fend off hunger. Additionally, OFB leads statewide efforts to increase resources for hungry families and to eliminate the root causes of hunger by advocating for fair public policies, strengthening community food systems and providing nutrition and garden education to help people become more self-sufficient and resourceful. Virtual Supply employees make a difference by packaging food for distribution in the Portland metro area.

The Edwards Center
Creating a Lifetime of Hope for Individuals with Diverse AbilitiesThe Edwards Center mission is to enhance the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities by helping them reach their highest potential through training, education, employment, housing and social opportunities in safe, healthy and stimulating environments. They work tirelessly to to erase the lines of perception that separate the “abled” from the disabled, which is what makes them such a driving force in preserving the dignity and independence of the developmentally disabled – not just in Oregon, but in the nation.